Friday, February 20, 2009

Winter Watchtower

From my roof I can see the Empire State building. Anyone who lives in my building can go up there but most don't. It's the secret pleasure of living here. I stand high above my street and look down and watch as people walk by below, on there way somewhere, unaware that they are being observed.

There is no solitude here. No peace. Always there is an eye watching, an ear listening and this is what we agree to when we live in the city. I never think I am being watched. When I leave my place I already have a destination in mind and I set off on my journey not thinking of much else other than getting there. Every corner I turn on to, each street I walk across someone glances at me maybe for a second or possibly there eye is following forever until I disappear from view.. I wonder if they imagine in their mind who I am or what I might be. How many strangers could have been friends or lovers but the possibility of uncertainty interferes with chance.

When I look down from my roof at you I try to imagine what your life may be. I try to see us together if even for a second because in my imagination we are perfect friends. You are so far below, unaware of my thoughtful gaze that I can make you whomever I want you to be. So many people with so many stories living so many different lives. How many of us have done wondrous things but choose to live in obscurity. How many lives have come and gone and with them a treasure of human experience disappears forever to be known by no one. We can't all be politicians and generals but who's to say their lives are more magnificent than the common man. History tells us nothing but I know better..

1 comment:

Gracia said...

we can be generals of the same platoon and drink beer in a pub in the backcountry and argue about who's tactics are better. then I will kick ur ass in the champion's game.
i like this one. especially the title.